Welcome to our School Library Page

Tory Duncan 360-291-3244 EXT 3010
You can now search for books in our library from home. Our Library web page is:
Encouraging students to do their best and be the best person that they can be makes each day special.
Kindergarten and 1st grade have a library time where we share a book and they may check out a book that interests them. I assist the teachers with the Accelerated Reader Program, where students read a book and take a quiz on it. The theme for our reading program this year is "Soar Into a Good Book". We encourage our 1st - 5th grade students to earn 100 A.R. points which will allow them to have a special field trip at the end of the year.
The next Pe Ell Book Fair will be June 1-8, with our Community Night on June 3 from 3:30 - 8:00p.m. This will be a BOGO fair with a theme of "The Jungle, Elephants, Tigers, and Books Oh My". Proceeds from this event are given to us in Scholastic dollars. We use half for the school library and the other half to purchase books to be given out to the students periodically throughout the year. Watch for updates closer to the event. The link to the Scholastic Pe Ell School page is and will be available from May 28 thru June 9. Just scroll down to "Shop Online" and if you decide to purchase something, you will need to create an account. It will ask you who the recipient is and you may put the students name, and if it is a gift, just let me know and I will contact you when it comes. Family and friends will have the opportunity to purchase books via the site and our school will get the credit.
Please remember that another resource for reading materials for yourself or the students is to access the Timberland Regional Library in Chehalis & Centralia, or You can review their inventory online and reserve it if you have a library card. They will notify you when it arrives. There is a yearly fee if you live within the Pe Ell city limits, but if you live outside the city limits, it is included in the property taxes. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or email me.
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." by Dr. Seuss